Dedicated to being in an instrument used by God
Min. Regi McClurkin is continuing a legacy of having five generations before him as being a preacher's kid and has dedicated his life to be used as an instrument to glorify God. He’s the son of both now deceased, Rev. John D. and Susie C. McClurkin. With humble beginnings being born in Chester, South Carolina he has been blessed to share his ministry with audiences throughout the world; while also being hailed as being an anointed and very gifted Singer/Musician, Recording Artist, Praise and Worship Leader, Composer, also Conference /Workshop/Seminar Clinician, Motivational Speaker and Published Author.
Regi accepted the Lord as his personal Savior at the age of seven and fully committed himself to winning souls for Christ. Also, being married to his wife Denise they’ve been blessed with two children, Stephen and Stacey. He has served as a “Minister of Music” and/or “Worship Leader” since age of 14 and is CEO/President of the Oyez Production Company, Inc.; being his management and publishing companies; also, is owner of an independent record label, OMC Records. Regi just recently released his seventh full length recording entitled “Music In The Air” and is now currently touring throughout USA and abroad, performing at Concerts, Workshops, Conferences and other personal appearances to fully promote his new project.
Regi received his formal education in the Baltimore public school system and then continued his pursuits of education at Towson University, Peabody Conservatory of Music and also the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
Regi is also an active member of various associations, conferences and other organizations that promote excellence within the Christian/Gospel music industry. He has also been a featured Artist in several industry magazines, journals, other publications along with some various newspaper articles. He has also been nominated as “New Male Artist of the Year and Contemporary Male Artist of the Yearon several platforms.
Always being quite busy Regi still finds time to regularly participate in the services of his local church, St. Mark UMC in Hanover, MD where he currently serves as the “Minister of Music” and also renders his services at the Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in Honolulu, Hawaii. In addition to his current tour, he’s already preparing for his next project entitled “Voices From The Village” that is currently scheduled to be completed and released in June, 2022'.
Regi's genuine love for people along with his sincere warm personality, has gained him much love, respect and admiration. He strives to make all in his presence feel very comfortable as if being around an old friend. He has the heart of a true servant and truly finds much joy in taking time out to always help others along the way. His passion for Christ is openly shared with all as he lives his life purposefully in ways that truly exemplifies the verse as found in Psalm 34:1:
“I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

I fully understand my greater purpose is to effectively minister to the people of God by standing firm on His word and staying true to the calling He has placed on my life. Through God's divine inspiration and His providential will I have been called to write songs that may not be perceived as a hit, but more so to write songs that are certain to touch, bless and convict the hearts of those that do hear, listen and be forever changed and/or blessed.
There are so many passages of scripture that teach us the ways of Jesus Christ and how we must live accordingly to receive the fullness of His promises and blessings. The Bible teaches that we should "seek ye first the kingdom of God and that we ought to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and not conform to the ways of this world."
That's why I do often wonder why some Artist and other believers are so disobedient and seemingly willing to compromise with the ways of the world, just so to advance their career or position. Sadly I guess they still do not fully believe or really understand that only what you do for Christ will last. Just like Joshua, I do declare, “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” so yes I am determined to do it God's way being a faithful servant until the end.

A Message from Regi
In Romans 12:1-21 (please read) we're taught some of the most sacred principles that should be followed in this faith walk, yet we daily see contradictions of these principles within the body of Christ. Our God is seeking to raise up a nation that will obey and it all begins with reading His word, praying, and letting your light so shine. With these thoughts in mind you should know that what God has done for me, He can and will do the very same for you. Your visiting this site at this time is in accordance to His will and the call that He has placed on your life. With all your successes you may still feel that something is missing and also leaving a major void in your life. I beg you to consider another way to becoming whole, so please allow me this opportunity to introduce you to my friend, Jesus the Christ. The greatest decision you'll ever make is to accept or reject salvation, which guarantees us eternal life. If you’re truly tired of the emptiness and are now ready to try a better way please also read Romans 10:9-13 and pray the prayer found on this page. With an open heart and with wholehearted determination to have a made up mind.
I gladly welcome you to the family of Jesus Christ and you may now rejoice in your receiving this gift of eternal life. Please leave a message on my "Blog" page to share with me the joy of your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Additionally please don't forget to let your light so shine that the world may see the evidence of your new life. I will keep you in prayer and ask that you do the same for my ministry and me. Peace & blessings.
Dear God, please be merciful unto me a sinner for I am truly sorry for my sins and I do trust you Jesus to save me. In your word I have read that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and I'm calling upon you now to do just that. I thank you for Your blood that was shed for me and ask forgiveness of my sins. I surrender my life to You and I accept You as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I pray.

Up Close and Personal
It's so nice of you to drop in for a visit and please know I'm truly grateful you took this time to share a moment with me. I was raised to believe that any acts of kindness should never be taken for granted but must always be appreciated. Since you thought enough of me to visit the site, I would like to personally thank you and lay out the "welcome mat". Allow me to share a more intimate side of the "real" me and I also do hope to have the opportunity to personally meet, greet and see you whenever I visit your city. God bless!
Birth Name: Reginald O. McClurkin (don't ask what the O. stands for, because you don't know me like that)
Birth Place: Chester, South Carolina
Birthday: October 27th (Rebirth In Christ February 7th)
Presently Resides In: Ellicott City, MD and also Ewa Beach, HI.
Local Church: St Mark UMC, Hanover MD - Pastor Herbert Watson & Trinity Missionary Baptist Church, Honolulu, HI - Pastor Anthony Cook
Favorite Activities: Reading the Bible, composing, playing my keyboards, performing, surfing the Internet, texting, Facebook & Twitter, shopping and best of all just relaxing at home with the family
Favorite Artist(s): Earth, Wind & Fire, Israel Houghton, William McDowell, Fred Hammond, Kirk Franklin, Kurt Carr Singers, Anthony Brown & Group Therapy, Tasha Cobbs and Travis Greene
Favorite Color(s): Every shade of the rainbow and anything in between
Favorite Composers: Bach, Beethoven, Donnie McClurkin, Richard Smallwood, Anthony Brown and Donald Lawrence
Favorite Food(s): Seafood and any real good home-cooked meals
Favorite Instruments: Steinway piano, Hammond & Rogers organs, Yamaha Montage, Motiff, Korg Kronos & Triton
Favorite Memories: Good times spent with family and friends; all things that I've learned from my parents and grandparents, every great performance
Favorite Mentors: Clinton Utterbach, Morris Queen, Gloria Thompson, Roland Joe Smith, Fernando Allen, William Cummings, Kathleen Schneider
Favorite Musician(s): Henry M. Davis, Larry Dunn, Kenny G., Mark Payne, Anthony Randolph, Aaron Lindsey
Favorite Outfit: All my colorful suits and ties with matching shoes & socks
Favorite Pastime: Enjoying time with grandchildren,writing, swimming, relaxing, Caribbean Cruises
Favorite Saying(s): Praise the Lord!, Mighty Nice, Bless Your Raggedy Heart, Ex and Next
Favorite Singer(s): Anthony Brown, Tasha Cobbs, Patti LaBelle, Donnie McClurkin, Luther Vandross,
Moments Cherished: Marriage, birth of my son and daughter
Moments Crazy: Cutting up and acting silly and foolish with the band and singers or choir members in rehearsals (and/or on the road when touring)
Moments Exciting: Every blessing from God and seeing dreams come true
Moments Grateful: Each morning I awake still being so blessed to be alive
Moments Happy: Witnessing someone surrender their life to Christ, finishing a project, meeting new fans
Moments Humbling: Being in the presence of God; every opportunity to share in corporate worship experience, hearing the nice and kind expressions or other such sentiments from my supporters
Moments Memorable: Accepting Christ, release of each project, live performances alone and with other Artist
Moments Unbearable: Deaths of both my parents Susie and John, along with all my other McClurkin/Abrams family members and most cherished friends, Vicki Vanterpool and the so many other loved ones.